Specialty Gas Valves

Specialty gas valves have a wide range of applications in the gas industry. Many provide system-critical compressed gas solutions. Specialty gas cylinder valves manufactured by Sherwood are designed to offer highest safety and reliability. These industrial specialty natural gas valves are manufactured in the USA by automated processes, ensuring consistency.

    Made from forged brass, aluminum, silicon bronze, and 303 stainless steel to withstand severe conditions. Leak-tight diaphragm seal tested under intense conditions. Operating torque to ensure ease of operation. Complete range available w/ standard CGA connections and international inlets / outlets. Certain models come with anti-extrusion pin to prevent seat extrusion. Burst disc made of nickel 200, copper, stainless steel or platinum-clad nickel. Burst pressure at 165 degree F, ranges from 3000 psig to 4000 psig.

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