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January 03, 2024

Needle valves are a much-needed kind of valve in every gas industrial set up. The valves closely resemble globe valves in design and function except that they have a pointed end instead of the disk at the end of the valve system.It is the piercing point that possibly has given it the name – ‘Needle Valves’. They are designed to control the flow of substances released by pressure, flow and direction and have the ability to shut-off the flow entirely. These valves actually turn 90° before it passes through an orifice followed by a cone-shaped tip to let the substance inside flow at low pressures.
The Difference
Both – the Needle valves & the Flow control valves are used to control the flow of air in the leg of a pneumatic circuit, which influences the actuator speed, and intentionally the flow is reduced. What differentiates the needle valves from the flow control valves is that the former is bi-directional whereas the latter controls the flow in one direction only.
There is a finely threaded stem in both the fittings, which allows gradual adjustment of the quantity of controlled flow passing through the valve. The flow control fitting includes a simply by-pass feature that ensures a rapid and free flow.
The Needle Valve Threads
The four main categories of needle valves are - coarse, fine, wetted and non-wetted. Due to the fine threads, these highly functional valves offer an improved control. On the other hand, valves featuring coarse threads offer maximum flow and not enough precision. The wetted threads are exposed to the material/substance inside whereas the non-wetted threads remain dry as they are not exposed to any system.
The Needle Valve Seals
There are three types of seals used in the needle valves – metal, metal to plastic & metal to metal, that make them so useful. For regulation of gas flow, plastic to metal type of seal creates a larger seal area. If you want to regulate the flow of fluids, you can use the metal to metal seals.
Needle valves, by their design & utility, are essentially required for industrial set-ups to allow pressure to be added/ relieved in very small increments. If you wish to place an order now for the very useful industrial equipment, visit the most popular online store https://www.jtcvalvesales.com where the industries find any and every kind of equipment needed. You can call us directly on 440-346-1259 to confirm the availability. We never run out of stock.